Originating from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”, Chakra (pronounced “cha”-“kra” with a resounding “ch”) is a spinning vortex “wheel” believed to vitalize the physical body by giving and receiving energy, keeping the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body in balance.
Typically numbered as seven, the chakras are located on our bodies, vertically aligned from the base of the spine to the top of our head. It is essential that each of these spinning/swirling wheels of energy remain open, aligned and fluid like as they help connect our mind, body and soul. Chakra energies in our bodies may be blocked during dark, rough times, and can act as an influence in the contribution of physical and mental weakness.

I am Thoughtful | I am Understanding
Need of information, acceptance, greater understanding & bliss

I am Powerful | I am Spirited
Personal & professional success, cheerfulness, and personal respect

I am Passionate | I am Sensual
Sexuality, reproductive function, joy, desire, creativity, compassion for others